Hajimemashite!! (pr: hah-zhee-may-mah-shee-tay and is a formal hello) You non-Asia travelling people will probably be more familiar with konichiwa (pr: koh-nee-chee-wah) but I didn't hear that very often.
I think I'm going to be spending more time getting the photos uploaded and annotated at first, then I'll probably get a little writing done. Please subscribe to the blog so you can get updates automatically and I promise that I won't go nuts with a ton of posts.
However, in the meantime, here are the photos from my entire time in Kyoto, Japan. I believe they do a better job telling you what it was like than I can manage here at 6am as I struggle in a losing battle against the terrible scourge of jet lag.
The map view function is pretty cool!! I didn't realize that my camera needs to be on for more than a few seconds to get a solid fix on where I'm standing, and if I'm indoors it wasn't as accurate sometimes, but for a lot of the shots, you can literally tell when corner of a street I'm standing on at the time! For those of you who want to avoid getting stuff done for a few minutes, I recommend following my tracks. For everyone else, just use the slide show function or click on the first picture and use your arrows to navigate through the rest.
All comments are welcome and appreciated...unless you're not funny, then keep it to yourself.
Arigato gozaimasu!! (pr: Ah-rhee-gah-toh Go-zai-mah-sssssss and is a formal thank you that has a bit of a hiss at the end.)
Watch out China...here I come!